小宮山 洋
プロダクトデザイナー。窓研究所立ち上げメンバー。多摩美術大学卒業後、メーカーにてプロダクトデザイナーとして活動後、2011年より東京・上海にYOH KOMIYAMA DESIGNを設立。プロダクトデザインを基軸に国内外の企業・組織のR&D(研究開発)のサポート、ハードウェアやサービスの立ち上げ、ブランドのディレクションまで多領域を扱う。近年は、ジェネラティブなアプローチや、プロトコルから対象を考えルールを設計することでモノづくりの新しいカタチを探っている。主な仕事に、国内ではカリモク家具による「Karimoku Cat」や、蔦屋書店初のデジタルプロダクト「T Air」のプロダクトデザイン。東京都美術館「TC&D」での作品展示。国外ではミラノサローネ「ventura projects」にてリサーチプロジェクト「mold」を発表。INTERNI「‘FEEDING’ New Ideas for The City」、parisのセレクトショップ「merci」での展示。また受賞歴に、iF DESIGN AWARD、Red Dot Design Award、Design for Asia Awardなどがある。
instagram: @yohkomiyama
Product designer. Born in 1980 in Tokyo. Founding member of the Window Research Institute. After graduating from Tama Art University, working in an architectural design firm, and as a product designer for a manufacturer, he established Yoh Komiyama Design in 2011, based in Tokyo and Shanghai, a multidisciplinary firm that offers R&D support for both Japanese and foreign corporations and organizations primarily in the field of product design, develops hardware and services, and handles brand direction. In recent years, the firm has been exploring new forms of craftsmanship and object-making by thinking about the object at hand through protocol and generative approaches and designing a set of rules pertaining to it. Some of his main projects in Japan include the Karimoku Cat series for the furniture company Karimoku, and product design for T Air, the first digital product from Tsutaya Books. His works have been shown at “TC&D” at the Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum. Outside Japan, Komiyama has shown his research project “mold” as part of Ventura Projects, at the Salone del Mobile in Milan, at Interni’s “Feeding: New Ideas for the City,” and at the multi-brand boutique Merci in Paris. Awards include the Muji Award Gold Prize, Red Dot Design Award, Design for Asia Award, and Good Design Award.
instagram: @yohkomiyama